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When Are Companies Required to Calculate Their Carbon Footprint?

At Validit, we support entrepreneurs by providing insight into their company’s carbon emissions, a crucial aspect of sustainability and compliance. More and more companies are facing regulations regarding CO2 calculations. When are you, as an entrepreneur, required to perform these calculations, and how can Validit help you? In this blog, we clarify the legislation and offer practical tips to get started.

Carbon Footprint and European Legislation: What Does This Mean for Your Company?

With the European Green Deal, the EU is focusing heavily on CO2 reduction, and companies play an important role in this. Certain sectors, such as energy-intensive industries, transport, and aviation, are already required to accurately measure and report their CO2 emissions.
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), effective from 2024, requires companies with more than 250 employees, a turnover of more than 40 million euros, or a balance sheet total of more than 20 million euros to publish sustainability information, including their CO2 emissions. If your company meets these criteria, you must be prepared for these obligations. Validit offers the tools and expertise to map out your carbon footprint and comply with reporting requirements.

Local Legislation and the CO2 Performance Ladder

In the Netherlands, the CO2 Performance Ladder is an important tool, especially for companies participating in government tenders. The higher you rank on this ladder, the better your chances of winning a tender. Validit helps you measure and report your CO2 emissions, allowing you to score higher on the performance ladder and create more market opportunities.
Additionally, companies with high energy consumption fall under the rules of the

Energy Agreement, which requires them to take energy-saving measures and provide insight into their energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Here too, Validit can guide you, from preparing energy and CO2 reports to implementing reduction measures.

Business Benefits of CO2 Calculations

Many entrepreneurs see CO2 reporting as an obligation, but it also offers opportunities. By gaining insight into your carbon footprint, you can save costs, for instance, by working more energy-efficiently. Moreover, more and more customers and partners are demanding sustainable transparency. Validit not only helps you comply with legislation but also enhances your company’s sustainable reputation, giving you a competitive advantage.

How Can Validit Help You with Carbon Footprint Calculations?

At Validit, we make it easy to calculate your carbon emissions. We use the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, which divides your emissions into three categories:

  • Scope 1: Direct emissions from your business activities.
  • Scope 2: Indirect emissions from energy consumption.
  • Scope 3: Indirect emissions throughout the entire value chain.

We provide a clear step-by-step plan to measure and reduce your carbon emissions, ensuring you comply with current and future legislation. We also assist you in preparing reports and finding sustainable optimizations.

Looking Ahead: Prepare for Stricter Legislation

It is expected that regulations around carbon footprint calculations will only become stricter in the future. By measuring and reporting your emissions now, you are prepared for upcoming obligations and stay ahead of the competition. Validit helps you be proactive and prepares your company for a sustainable future.


Calculating your carbon footprint is increasingly becoming a legal requirement. Validit supports you at every step, from measuring your emissions to meeting reporting requirements and achieving sustainability goals. Want to learn more about how we can help you with CO2 calculations? Contact us and discover how to future-proof your business.

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